First Name: Tsubasa

Last Name: Kurenai

Parents: Unknown

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 16

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Chestnut

Marital Status: Single

Loves: Ukyo Kuonji
(Passing Phases)
Ranma Saotome
Akane Tendo

Loved by: None
(Poor, sweet Tsubasa-kami)
(Ki! Be quiet!)

Rivals: Ukyo Kuonji
Ranma Saotome

First Anime Appearance
Dharma Chameleon
(Nettouhen 27)

Voice Actors:
Yamada Eiko
Saffron Henderson

First Manga Appearance
Volume 10.9
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Standing around Ucchan's as Ukyo herself ran off to school, Ryoga and I waited for the nameless voice to enter the restoraunt. The door burst open and a young woman burst through the door. No, it wasn't a girl, I could tell. A sense of divinity passed over me as a huge smile spread across my face.
Ki: Tsubasa... (I was barely audible)

Tsubasa: Ukyo! I'm here! Huh? Who are you two?

(Ryoga began watching me carefully)

Ki: Tsubasa, I'm... I mean, my name is Ki. I know it's a strange name, but it sort of symbolizes my loyalty to...

Tsubasa: Where is my dear, sweet Ukyo?

Ki: Oh.. well, you see... (gulp) She left, Lord Kurenai. She had to go back to school.

Tsubasa: Lord Kurenai? You're pretty formal. Just call me, Tsubasa, ok?

(I could only nod)

Ryoga: Hey, Tsubasa, you don't seem to get it, do ya?

(Tsubasa looked over at him with an odd glance)

Ryoga: Nothing. Never mind.

Ki: Tsubasa, do you think I could ask you a few questions? I mean, I'm trying to piece a few things together about Ranma, and since you know him and all, I was just thinking that maybe..

Ryoga: Ki, don't ramble.

Ki: Oh! No, of course not! How stupid of me! I'm sorry. So, Tsubasa, do you think that I could ask you some things?

Tsubasa: Well, I should really be trying to get to Furinkan before classes start, and I also have to get back to my school, but I guess I can answer a few questions.

Ki: Ok! Thank you so much! You're the best!

Tsubasa: (smiling brightly)You're sort of cute. Just ask me, ok?

Ki: Oh.. thanks... Okay, so.. first, I guess.. Well. Where did you meet Ukyo?

Tsubasa: I met my true love at our old school. It was only for boys and a lot of the people there thought that she was a boy. How wrong they were!

Ki: They thought she was a boy? How sad!

Tsubasa: Well, she was going to an all boys junior high school, and she does tend to dress like a boy.

Ki: That's still no excuse! She's one of the best looking...

Tsubasa: (glaring at me)You're not a girl at all! What are you to my sweet Ukyo?!

Ki: Nothing! I was only talking to her before! That's it! You're right, though, I'm not a girl...

Tsubasa: (turning to Ryoga)What's going on here?

(Ryoga smiled and shrugged)

Ki: Nothing, Great One! I just like dressing like this! Why do you dress like a girl, anyway?

Tsubasa: (he hesitated for a moment, thinking things over) Well, this makes it easier to get close to girls. Especially girls who dress like boys.

Ki: (smiling) Interesting philosophy. I like it.

Ryoga: You would, Ki.

Ki: Oh, hush, Ryoga!

Tsubasa: As interesting as this has been, Ki. I really do need to try to get to Ukyo before classes start again. So, please, let me go to Furinkan, now?

Ki: Tsubasa! Take me with you! I'll never get to the Cat Cafe anyway.

Ryoga: Hey!

Ki: Sorry, Ryoga! But it's already been four or five hours since you were supposed to take me there! Please, Tsubasa? I want to go to Furinkan with you!

Tsubasa: (looking around in confusion) You worry me, Ki. I'll take you to Furinkan High, though. Just follow me!

If you want to ask Tsubasa anything just send it through here.

The World if maintained by Mousse and Ki. Last updated 8/22/97. Designed for 600x800 resolution.